dapurhosting.com Blog for Tech

January 26, 2020

Internet traffic over SSH in Windows

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — dh @ 12:09 pm

sumber: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~xuanluo/sshproxywin.html


Buka Putty
Isi host dan port ssh
Ke “Connection” -> “SSH” -> “Tunnels”
Di “Add new forwarded port:”, masukkan angka 1080 (SOCKS port)
“Destination” di kosongkan
Pilih tombol “Dynamic”
Klik tombol “Add”
Nanti akna muncul “D1080” di textbox (tergantung port yang digunakan)
(For those interested, this is the “-D” option in OpenSSH.)
Do “Connection” -> “SSH” cek “Don’t start a shell or command at all”
(For those interested, this is the “-N” option in OpenSSH.)

Mozilla Firefox browser

Ke menu “Tools” -> “Options”
ke “Advanced” -> “Network” tab
Di bagian “Connection” klik tombol “Settings…”
Pilih “Manual proxy configuration”
Pastikan opsi “Use this proxy server for all protocols” tidak dipilih (mungkin pilihan ini tidak ada)
Pastikan “HTTP Proxy”, “SSL Proxy”, “FTP Proxy”, “Gopher Proxy” dikosongkan.
Untu “SOCKS Host” isi “”, dan “Port” isi dengan 1080 (atau port yang anda masukkan di putty)
Oilih “SOCKS v5”
Click OK

Untuk mencegah kebocoran DNS
Ke url “about:config”
Cari opsi “network.proxy.socks_remote_dns” dan set jadi “true”

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