Screen lets you have multiple virtual window in one physical terminal. Screen lets you detach and reattach to your virtual windows, which is good if you are compiling remotely.
Download the latest Screen RPM
Install Screen dependencies
#yum -y install ncurses-devel texinfo pam-devel libtool
Install Screen
#rpmbuild –rebuild screen-4.0.2-5.src.rpm
#rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/screen-4.0.2-5.src.rpm
#screen -ls
Create Screen Session
Create Screen Virtual window
press ctrl+a,c
Change between Screens
press ctrl+a, 0 Session 0
press ctrl+a, 1 Session 1
press ctrl+a, 2 Session 2
To resume a Screen session
#screen -r session name