dapurhosting.com Blog for Tech

May 1, 2018

Disable Product Recommend Virtuemart Joomla

Filed under: CMS — Tags: , , — dh @ 6:26 am

Edit administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/shop.recommend.php

Di bawah code
if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );

Tambahkan kode baru:

header('Location: http://google.com/');

April 13, 2018

Spamming Joomla

Filed under: CMS — Tags: , — dh @ 4:37 pm

UPDATE jos_extensions SET params = '{\"show_contact_category\":\"hide\",\"show_contact_list\":\"0\",\"presentation_style\":\"sliders\",\"show_name\":\"1\",\"show_position\":\"1\",\"show_email\":\"0\",\"show_street_address\":\"1\",\"show_suburb\":\"1\",\"show_state\":\"1\",\"show_postcode\":\"1\",\"show_country\":\"1\",\"show_telephone\":\"1\",\"show_mobile\":\"1\",\"show_fax\":\"1\",\"show_webpage\":\"1\",\"show_misc\":\"1\",\"show_image\":\"1\",\"image\":\"\",\"allow_vcard\":\"0\",\"show_articles\":\"0\",\"show_profile\":\"0\",\"show_links\":\"0\",\"linka_name\":\"\",\"linkb_name\":\"\",\"linkc_name\":\"\",\"linkd_name\":\"\",\"linke_name\":\"\",\"contact_icons\":\"0\",\"icon_address\":\"\",\"icon_email\":\"\",\"icon_telephone\":\"\",\"icon_mobile\":\"\",\"icon_fax\":\"\",\"icon_misc\":\"\",\"show_headings\":\"1\",\"show_position_headings\":\"1\",\"show_email_headings\":\"0\",\"show_telephone_headings\":\"1\",\"show_mobile_headings\":\"0\",\"show_fax_headings\":\"0\",\"allow_vcard_headings\":\"0\",\"show_suburb_headings\":\"1\",\"show_state_headings\":\"1\",\"show_country_headings\":\"1\",\"show_email_form\":\"0\",\"show_email_copy\":\"1\",\"banned_email\":\"\",\"banned_subject\":\"\",\"banned_text\":\"\",\"validate_session\":\"1\",\"custom_reply\":\"0\",\"redirect\":\"\",\"show_category_crumb\":\"0\",\"metakey\":\"\",\"metadesc\":\"\",\"robots\":\"\",\"author\":\"\",\"rights\":\"\",\"xreference\":\"\"}' WHERE name = 'com_contact' AND type = 'component';

UPDATE jos_extensions SET params = '{\"allowUserRegistration\":\"0\",\"new_usertype\":\"2\",\"useractivation\":\"1\",\"frontend_userparams\":\"1\",\"mailSubjectPrefix\":\"\",\"mailBodySuffix\":\"\"}' WHERE name = 'com_users' AND type = 'component';

ganti jos_extensions dengan nama table extensions user.

April 10, 2018

Download File dari Google Drive

Filed under: Uncategorized — dh @ 7:37 am

Cara download file dari google drive via ssh

buat file getfile.sh

touch getfile.sh
chmod +x getfile.sh
nano getfile.sh

Copy paste:

fileid="### file id ###"
curl -c ./cookie -s -L "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=${fileid}" > /dev/null
curl -Lb ./cookie "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=`awk '/download/ {print $NF}' ./cookie`&id=${fileid}" -o ${filename}

Ganti fileid dengan id file google.
Ganti filename dengan nama file asli.

fileid didapat dari share file (klik kanan di file, lalu klik Get shareable link), contoh: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_naou3PopRVlQt9FZJTCGzRKGp306hs8
1_naou3PopRVlQt9FZJTCGzRKGp306hs8 adalah FILEID



March 23, 2018

execute vz from root

Filed under: vz — dh @ 7:07 am

vzctl exec cid "su -c 'zmcontrol restart' - zimbra"

March 7, 2018

Disable form kontak Prestashop

Filed under: CMS — dh @ 9:58 am

Buka file controllers/front/ContactController.php

Cari kode

public function initContent()

tambahkan kode berikut

Tools::redirect('pagenotfound'); // redirect contact page to 404 page

February 1, 2018

Hardisk Cek Umur Hardisk

Filed under: Server — Tags: — dh @ 4:32 am

smartctl --all /dev/sda | grep Power_On_Hours

January 22, 2018


Filed under: cPanel/WHM — dh @ 8:15 am

cpanel backup exclued

buka atau buat file cpbackup-exclude.conf di home directory


January 17, 2018

Unblock Spam Blacklist hotmail live msn outlook

Filed under: Email — dh @ 8:07 am

Check status ip di network microsoft


Form request unblock




December 14, 2017

Test Kecepatan Hardisk

Filed under: Server — dh @ 9:31 am

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/testfile bs=1G count=10 oflag=direct

Hasil untuk Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB (kosong)
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 22.6079 s, 475 MB/s

October 3, 2017

Export Import MySQL SSH

Filed under: MySql — dh @ 3:21 am


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